Traxstech Big Jon Rod Holder Base
Traxstech Big Jon Rod Holder Base
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Traxstech Big Jon Rod Holder Base
If you own 4 x 4 pedestal mount holders they can now be fastened to our 3″ tall adapter base. Furthermore, the Traxstech Big Jon Rod Holder Base gives you the flexibility to slide them into our tracks for greater positioning. As always our base provides you the 45 degrees of side to side rotation so you can turn the entire set-up and point the rods out and back for better use when running planer boards.
*Fits all brand multiple rod holders with a 4″x4″ base and a mounting hole pattern of 3-1/4″ square.
Proudly made in the USA!
Has our signature textured finish:
- Adds durability to the aluminum components, hardens your wear surface, no brite refection, as well as easy to clean.
- Every aluminum part is anodized after our texturing process to provide the highest quality available.
- Salt spray tested and proven.
Check out more Traxstech Downrigger products here.